Clients are oftentimes quite worried about their financial future following the dissolution of their marriage. What will happen to their property and their retirement plans? Will they be given child support? Will it be enough? At the law office of the Stockton family lawyer, we can help you make your case to the court for financial assistance with your attorney fees, separation of property and assets, as well as spousal support for your future.
The state of California does award alimony in cases where it is appropriate. Generally speaking, alimony is awarded on a one-time, temporary, or permanent basis.
Transitional alimony is a type of spousal support that is awarded in one lump sum to help a financially disadvantaged spouse on a “one-time” basis. If for instance a client needs a larger sum of money to secure new housing or move away from their previous married living situation, transitional alimony may be the best option.
The state of California has also created other forms of alimony to help citizens make the transition away from married life. In cases where a client is not eligible for short-term or permanent alimony, a good attorney can help them petition the court for transitional alimony.
Since alimony is awarded on a case-by-case basis, every client should appoint the best lawyer available. At the law office of the Stockton family lawyer we have worked with family judges for many years negotiating divorce terms, child custody, visitation, and alimony payments.
To discuss your alimony options, contact our office for an immediate consultation.